Email: jagar@gatech.edu
Education background:
Ph.D. Student, Materials Science and Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology,
B.S. in Material Science and Engineering – Polymers, UIUC, 2009
Research interest:
I am interested in the application of colloidal and molecular self assembly to functional
systems. My current work focuses on production of electrically conductive adhesives
with high conductivity and frequency response.
Publications: N/A

Email: jimmy87315@gatech.edu
Phone: 404-983-1273
Education background:
2005-2009 B.S. Materials Science and Engineering, Tsinghua University.
Research interest: CNTs on TIMs
Publications: graphene sheets from worm-like exfoliated graphite,
Journal of Materials Chemistry, Issue 19, Vol 21, 3367-3369, 2009

Email: ohildreth@gatech.edu
Office: Love Building, Room 379
Education background:
Ph.D. Student, Materials Science and Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology,
B.S. in Mechanical Engineering, University of California, San Diego, 2002
Research interest:
His primary interest is in nanofabrication and has developed a new method to etch 2D and 3D nanostructures into silicon with ultra-high aspect ratios and smooth walls with features that cannot be achieved using any previously existing technology. Other interests include carbon nanotubes and nanostructures, metallic nanostructures, nanotemplate development and metallic conformal coatings of densely packed nanostructure arrays.

Email: zli33@gatech.edu
Office: Love Building, Room 379
Education background:
Ph.D. Student, Materials Science and Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology
M.S. in Biological Systems Engineering, Virginia Tech, 2009
B.S. in Environmental Science, Tongji University, 2007
Research interest:
Carbon nano-materials synthesis and their application in thermal and electrical devices.

Email: qliang3@gatech.edu
Phone numbers: 404-894-2846
Education background:
Ph.D. Student, Polymer Textile and Fiber Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology
M.S. in Polymer Materials, Dalian University of Technology, 2005
B.S. in Applied Chemistry/Polymer Chemistry, Dalian University of Technology, 2002
Research interest:
Morphology of graphenes
High thermal transport carbon materials
H-BN and its composite
Polymer aging sensors
Publications: N/A.

Email: linkerlate@gmail.com
Education background:
Ph.D. Student, Polymer Textile and Fiber Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology
M.S. in Materials Science and Engineering, Tsinghua University, 2007
B.S. in Materials Science and Engineering, Fuzhou University, 2005
Research interest:
Controllable synthesis and functionalization of high-quality carbon nanotubes;
Applications of aligned carbon nanotubes as electrical interconnects and in thermal interface materials and carbon nanotube/polymer composites.
Lead-authored book chapter:
1. W. Lin and C. P. Wong, “Applications of Carbon Nano-materials as Electrical Interconnects and Thermal Interface Materials”, Chapter 17, in “Nano-Bio- Electronic, Photonic and MEMS Packaging”, C. P. Wong, K. Moon and Y. Li, Ed., Springer (2009).
Lead-authored journal publications:
1. W. Lin and C. P. Wong, “Comment on “The Effect of Stress Transfer within Double-Walled Carbon Nanotubes upon Their Ability to Reinforce Composites”, Advanced Matierals (in press)
2. W. Lin, R. W. Zhang, K. S. Moon, and C. P. Wong,“Molecular Phonon Couplers at Carbon Nanotube/Substrate Interface to Enhance Interfacial Thermal Transport”, Carbon (in press)
3. Lin W, Moon KS, Wong CP, “A combined process of in-situ functionalization and microwave treatment to achieve ultra-small thermal expansion of aligned carbon nanotube/polymer nanocomposites: toward applications as thermal interface materials”. Advanced Materials, 21, 2009, 2421-2424.
4. Lin W, Xiu YH, Jiang HJ, et al. “Self-assembled monolayer-assisted chemical transfer of in situ functionalized carbon nanotubes”. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 130 (30), 2008, 9636-9637
5. W. Lin, R. W. Zhang, and C. P. Wong, “Chemical Transfer of Vertically Aligned Carbon Nanotubes: A Route Toward Microelectronic Packaging Applications”, ASE Technology Journal, 1, 2008, 215-219.
Lead-authored proceeding papers:
1. W. Lin, R. Olivares, Q. Liang, R. Zhang, K. Moon, C. P. Wong, “Vertically Aligned Carbon Nanotubes on Copper Substrates for Applications as Thermal Interface Materials: from Synthesis to Assembly”. Proceedings of the IEEE 59th Electronic Components Technology Conference, p. 441-447 (2009).
2. W. Lin and C. P. Wong, “Synthesis of Vertically Aligned Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes on Copper Substrates for Applications as Thermal Interface Materials”, Proceedings of Materials Research Society, invited paper, in press.
3. W. Lin and C. P. Wong, “Vertically Aligned Carbon Nanotubes on Copper Substrates for Applications as Thermal Interface Materials: from Synthesis to Assembly”, IEEE Nano, in press.
4. W. Lin, Y. Xiu, L. Zhu, K. Moon, C. P. Wong, “Assembling of Carbon Nanotube Structures by Chemical Anchoring for Packaging Applications”, IEEE Proceedings of 58th Electronic Components and Technology Conference, Orlando, FL, p. 421-426 (2008).
5. W. Lin, H. Jiang, R. Zhang, Q. Liang, J. Lu, Y. Xiu, K. Moon, O. Hildreth, C. P. Wong, “Nano Materials for Microelectronic and Photonic Packaging”, Portable Information Devices, 2008 and the 2008 7th IEEE Conference on Polymers and Adhesives in Microelectronics and Photonics, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany, p. 1-5 (2008).
6. W. Lin, H. Jiang, K. Moon, C. P. Wong, “Surface Functionalized Carbon Nanotube Film Polymer Composites for Thermal Interface Materials Applications”. Proceedings of the NATAS Annual Conference on Thermal Analysis and Applications (2008), 36th, 58/1-58/7.
7. W. Lin, R. Zhang, C. P. Wong, “Chemical Transfer of in-situ Functionalized Aligned Carbon Nanotube Structures for Microelectronic Packaging Applications”, 10th Electronic Packaging Technology Conference, Singapore, p. 115-120 (2008).

Email: zylin@gatech.edu
Education background:
B.S. in Chemistry, Peking Univerisity, 2009
Research interest:
Carbon Nanotubes

Email: yliu85@gatech.edu
Education background:
Ph.D. Student, Polymer, Textile & Fiber Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology
M.S. in Textile Engineering, Philadelphia University, 2008
B.S. in Textile Engineering, Donghua University, 2006
B.A. in English Language and Literature, Donghua University, 2006
Research interest:
Superhydrophobic self-cleaning surfaces (“Lotus Effect") and superoleophobic surfaces by creating and control of surface structures;
Si surface texturing for photovoltaic and LED applications;
Surface micro/nano structure fabrication using as sol-gel process, plasma etching and wet chemical deposition and etching.

Email: jimmy87315@gatech.edu
Education background:
Ph.D. Student, Chemistry, Georgia Institute of Technology,
M.S. in Polymer Chemistry and Physics, Jilin University, 2005
B.S. in Applied Chemistry, Jilin University, 2002
Research interest:
Advanced interconnect materials for electronic packaging
Inkjet printing
Colloidal particle and interface
Molecularly imprinted polymers
1. Direct chip attachment, supported by Nokia Corp.
2. High Power/current density anisotropic conductive adhesive nano-interconnect, supported by Intel Corp.
3. Embedded module with active and passive components (EMAP), supported by Indium Corp.
4. Flexible interconnect materials, supported by Nanolumens.
5. Fundamental understanding of nanofiller dispersion in polymer systems for electronics applications, supported by NSF (#0621115).